So what happened in the previous rounds? A lot! We've recorded over 240 votes and had had over 600 visitors these two weeks along. It's all added up to the BIGGEST month in Brooklyn GOP Radio history! Bigger than last year's Buffoon of the Year vote. Bigger than the audience that visited during the NY-9 Special Election. All of us here are overwhelmed by the response - we have the most loyal listeners in the world! Thank you!
So enough mushy stuff from me, let's recap the semis - and preview the finals!
No 5. Occupy Wall St. (59%) Takes Out No. 1 Barack Obama (41%): There was an eleventh hour push from a bunch of people to push Occupy Wall St. over the top on this one. In fact, if you listened to this week's show, you heard us talking about how Obama won! Boy, were we wrong! Frankly, I was rooting for OWS to be the bigger buffoon - it's a "movement" without a message that disrupted our City for months - for no discernible reason at all!. As far as the President goes, hopefully this won't be the last time we'll be reporting about Obama's loss of an election.
No. 3 Anthony Weiner (56%) Beats No. 2 William Boyland (44%): Our fans were pitted with a tough choice - is the bigger buffoon the guy who tweeted his manhood for all the nation to see, or the guy who was arrested for looking for bribery to pay the defense lawyer who got him out of his bribery case? For most of the week, the answer was resounding: Weiner's buffoonery dominated Boyland all week. A late night push almost swept Boyland to further infamy, but in the end, Weiner won by a... well, you know.... What! I meant by a nose!
So there you go - the finals are set. You've picked them. You know their stories. You've seen their buffoonery. Now pick us a Buffoon of the Year!

Captain America Here
ReplyDeleteWell we have to stop with O. Deep down he is a great guy, he can't help it he is a Jackass.
If it wasn't for Oscar and Bo helping him sometimes think where we would really be my friends. Think about his daughters what they must be going thru knowing deep down inside their father hardly knows anything about anything.
What about the Mrs. Bless her heart for she is a great first lady, she can't help her husband slept all the way thru school.
Think about his cabinet, some of the smartest people you can hire.
Making him look like an idiot day after day.
Maybe we The Republican Party should reach out to him and make him an honorary Republican for helping the Party with all our upcoming victories.
Mean while Oscar is greeting some foreign tourists who payed heavy to get a personal interview with Bo. Bo got a years supply of bacon nips and Oscar got two pounds of acorns. One tourist from Egypt asked Bo what was the Presidents position on Egypt. Bo responded. You don't want to know, last week we had a similar question he had an Atlas out and was telling me I know it is either in Arizona or Texas. I had to tell him, he was right, but not the towns in The United States, but the Country. He looked at me strange and said exactly where is it, somewhere in Europe.
If you think it is easy being a dog and a squirrel around The President your wrong. Me and Oscar do the best we can and we are animals and most Americans would never believe me and Oscar sort of run the country the best we can do.
Captain America aka Bas, aka The Riddler
Captain American
ReplyDeleteI was going to read the papers but it is to cold out. Well no need to comment on Iowa anymore. Might as well go right to The O Family Show.
Bo and Oscar chatting. Oscar to Bo you know this is an election year my friend and if you think The President didn't do anything the last three years, this year will be worst. Bo I know.
I will hate to leave next year my friend, but there is no way in hell this MORON can win again unless all of the people that vote are blinded. Oscar I wonder who is going to win?
Bo to Oscar: the way I see it, it has to be a Republican and I do read a lot and with the ones I met: This guy Mitt is really a Democratic and it would be the same old business.
Paul well he does not like no one and the cracker he give me was green molded and rotten just like he is, he would lead the country into total isolation.
Michelle, well she is a knockout and I did sit on her lap. She does like me. I just don't feel she is right in this position. Maybe in a position she can help for deep down she is an honest women and will do right for all.
Newt my take on him. the other day I was watching a movie with Tony Perkins, I can't remember the name it started with a P and Newt reminds me of Tony Perkin's character in the movie. This gives me the chills Oscar.
Now for Rick S. Well to me it would be the same old thing, nothing exciting happening.
I like Rick Perry Oscar, not because he gave me that big piece of steak. He is and you can see for all the people, even his wife Anita.
They would be a great couple in the White House.
Well Oscar I have to go outside for a minute, I will continue this when I get back.
Oscar thinking: I like Bo, so smart and knows a lot about history, when he comes back I'll tell Bo what I know, this should shed a lot I hope.
Captain American aka Bas, aka The Riddler out for a smoke
Captain America
ReplyDeleteOscar to Bo: You were gone awhile. Bo: I had to take care of business. Oscar: Well I wanted to tell you something my Grandfather told me many years ago about the Republican Party. They have always been the party of the small guys ever since Lincoln.
Bo: I sort of figured that out Oscar and I did a little research on Perry. His family has a long history in Texas. The family were share croppers and worked The Fields of Hate (Cotton Fields)just like the blacks did.
When The Civil War came a General Hood rode thru Texas building his Army. Perry's Great Great Grandfather had no choice, either ride or die. They are Methodist and always helped the blacks as they were fleeing during the war.
Perry has nothing against blacks for he is deeply religious and knows what it means to work these fields as his fore fathers did.
His mother and father still work these fields.
The license plate with the Confederate Flag is to honor his Great Great Grandfather who was 1 of 6 men to survive one of the biggest battles in Texas. Imagine 15,000 Confederates and only 6 survived. Why? Well I know Oscar God had a plan and Rick Perry is a part of that PLAN!!!!
Well Oscar and there is the sign over the Ranch. Some more bullshit to make it think and feel he hates blacks. This man may seem rough, forgets, but his record in Texas is for all the people and his wife Anita loves children and loves to help people. I have to go I have a tour to conduct a bunch of people from India.
I have to get the Atlas out just in case O see's me and asks some MORON question.
Oscar thinking: I really like Bo, so smart and always keeps cool. Well I better go and start putting away more acorns.
Bo thinking: Where the hell is this Atlas with all this junk on the floor (Mad Comics, Video Games, Cartoon Tapes, what is this book The 10 Twisted Ways of Thinking by Burns. Oh my God he is not starting to think, I hope not we will all be in big trouble, well not me (The Humans)
Captain America aka Bas, aka The Riddler
Captain America
ReplyDeleteWell it's over, we all know the results Perry is going back home to think.
God gave him everything what to do in writing.
You can lead them to the water, but you can not make them drink from it.
Do remember to God a 1000 years is a day and a day is a 1000 years.
Could God have gotten the wrong Rick?
Could Perry be 2016, remember to God 4 years is approx. 5 minutes.
God keeps telling me this time. We will see.
Enough of this bullshit on to the current news.
Hezbollah selling Cocaine The New Mafia - The Captain America team should call in Air Strikes Batman what do you think or should we send tanks and troops to South America?
Two Country's which at one time not to long ago in God's time were part of The Roman Empire have lost 2 greats and they are in heaven.
Skvorecky The Czech at 87 and Gligorov of Macedona.
Hard to believe Kruger gets a pension, are you people for real giving a crook a pension, we have to change this my friends.
Now on to The Obama Family Show with Bo and Oscar. Bo to Oscar You know with all of the video games on the floor and soldiers, tanks and planes. I know he is the commander in chief.
He is a control freak with all the power, money and control with this legislation and Obama Care. Oscar to Bo. These humans better wake up before it is to late Bo.
Bo to Oscar: You have to see this GIANT MAP we have now in the basement it 20 feet by 20 feet and is a detailed map of the United States.
O was asked about the problem with the illegal aliens crossing in from Mexico, he went to the basement and started looking for Mexico, remember this is just a map of the US, after moving a lot of the Tanks, soldiers and planes off the map, he had a list which he gave me to read Oscar he used a magnified glass and was on his hands and knees for close to 2 days doing this. Mexico, Indiana, Mexico, Kentucky, Mexico, Maine, Mexico, Maryland, Mexico, Missouri, Mexico, New York. Then he said I know I put baby Alligators in one of these places around 3 years ago, I just can't remember Bo.
Oh well Oscar he got the wrong Mexico's and he did put Alligators along the Rio Grande River.
Oscar thinking: I better tell my family we might have to leave soon with all of this power, you never know he might want to take us out, but we are just friendly little squirrels.
Yeah right. might have to call my cousin from New Jersey Max (No Nonsense) and tell him we might need his help. We will wait and see. I still like Obama even if he is a Jackass and a Power Freak. I really feel sorry for Bo.
Captain America aka Bas, aka The Riddler out for a smoke