All I can say is wow.
CPAC has exceeded my expectations. Tens of thousands of like-minded Republicans under one roof sharing ideas, debating policy, swapping stories, taking pictures and all sorts of things!
So here's the deal - Brooklyn GOP Radio has full-on rock-star access to CPAC. We get to go into any conference, we don't have to wait on line to get into the main convention room, and we get to interview whomever we can grab here at our booth in the Exhibition Hall.
What I was surprised to see was a large contingent of New Yorkers here! Notables have included Councilmen Dan Halloran, Jay Townsend, Betsy McCaughey and Sen. Serf Maltese, all of whom sat down with us and did an interview with us!
And we're meeting a lot of people that we wanted to tell you about - like Dale Peterson, an Alabaman looking to shake up politics with a straight talkin' southern drawl and a passion for the GOP, Saul Anuzis, Michigan GOP Chairman and high-ranking member of RNC, Dave Nalle, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus and Logan Clements, who rented a Canadian hospital to create a cautionary documentary showing the impending pitfalls of ObamaCare called "Sick and Sicker".
Then there are the little moments that we can't catch on air, which we're doing our best to tweet. Like Donald Trump all but throwing his hat in the ring for 2012, or Jimmy McMillan taking his "Rent is Too Damn High" to a national stage, actually declaring his Presidential aspirations, or a crowd getting fooled by a Sarah Palin look-a-like!
As far as show content, things are SO FAST around here, that we don't have the time to upload and broadcast form here, simply because things are so fluid and always in motion. So we'll announce what we're going to do with all the CPAC content very soon!
Back to the grind - talk to you later!
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