WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY) was selected to chair the House Republican Policy Committee’s Task Force on Foreign Policy. The Policy Committee serves as a forum for discussions of forward-looking legislative initiatives and will engage with members of the Republican Conference to develop strong policy ideas into meaningful legislation.
“I thank Congressman Price for the honor of chairing the Republican Policy Committee’s Task Force on Foreign Policy,” said Rep. Grimm. “I represent a diverse district and my constituents hail from a variety of countries around the world. I am proud to represent their interests as well as the interests of the United States in a legislative capacity in Congress.”
“Congressman Grimm will be an invaluable part of our team and a knowledgeable voice on foreign policy,” said Chairman Price. “As we are often reminded, the interests and security of the United States can be aided or threatened by the actions and activities of other countries. It is vital we remain vigilant and informed on those issues, and I appreciate Congressman Grimm serving the Policy Committee in that capacity.”
Congressman Grimm is a freshman member of Congress who has also recently been named a co-chair of the House Republican Israel Caucus. He has spent a significant amount of time in the Middle East while serving in combat as a United States Marine during Operation Desert Storm
Congrats to Brooklyn Top Congressman!