Kindly mark your calendar for our March meeting, this upcoming Monday (March 28) at 7pm at Sam's Restaurant -- where we will discuss the Libyan bombings, budget battles from Wisconsin to NY, and updating local issues and events including last night's surprising visit of NYC City Council President Quinn (and possible 2013 Mayoral candidate) at P.S. 58 in Carroll Gardens.
March 28 -- Guest speaker: Mr. Russell Gallo
Our featured speaker will be Brooklyn Republican strategist, District Leader and President of the new Young Republicans, Mr. Russell Gallo. Mr. Gallo has been spearheading efforts across Brooklyn, co-broadcasting a new GOP web-based 'radio program' and attended the CPAC Conference a few weeks back (where Donald Trump famously announced his consideration of a run for 2012 Presidency).
Time to buy a bigger headset 'cause his head is only getting bigger from here.
But I gotta call it as I see it - although he didn't go to CPAC, I can't take the rest away from Russell. Credit where it's due.
But I still made you, Gallo!
Folks, take a trip to Sam's Restaurant, enjoy some good food, and listen to Gallo wow the crowd!
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