Saturday, June 23, 2012

Poundin' Pavement - Be Back Soon!

You may have noticed a bit of a slow down on the blog here - that's because everyone is out petitioning for Brooklyn GOP Candidates!  So bear with us, we'll be back soon (Or, use our contact form and we'll hook you up with some good ol' fashioned petitionin' fun! Yeah, I didn't buy that, either)

1 comment:

  1. Captain America

    I am sorry guys that I can't help you guys here in Brooklyn. I am in Queens helping a family member who is running for State Senator.

    I have been for the last 3 Sundays petitioning and pounding the sidewalks.

    He is a Republican and a good man.

    My thoughts tell me, we are all one, so understand I am working towards this.

    Lets go guys, stay positive.

    I stopped smoking for 4 days and I will try again and again and again for I do know it is negative, but I try.

    Bye and stay positive for in Nov.

    The people will show the results of all your hard labor.
