Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Early Buffoon Entrants: Week of November 25, 2013

Principal says PB&Js are racist, then blames Fox News.  Russell Simmons Says ObamaCare saved millions.  Who's the bigger buffoon?  Vote tomorrow!
Whenever we need to find Buffoon of the Week entrants, two things come to mind this week:  Obamacare and Hollywood.  Oh, and cuckoo freaky-loo whack-a-doo liberal teachers.

We start with this piece of liberalism run amok. Principal Verenice Gutierrez, of the Harvey Scott K-8 School in Portland OR wants peanut butter and jelly sandwiches banned.  Apparently, they're racist.

The school district has since backpedaled from this buffoonery, blaming the Fox News report as "absurd" - but c'mon, blaming the messenger is typical liberal buffoonery as well, isn't it?


Diana suggested Russell Simmons, who suggested that the flawed (Ha! that's putting it nicely!) ObamaCare legislation roll-out has - get this - saved MILLIONS!

H/T to Breitbart:
Yes, we initially wanted single payer, and we had to compromise back in 2009 for the Affordable Care Act. But, it is a damn good piece of legislation that has already saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives. So, let us not give up now.
Yes, let's not give up on a law that has deprived millions of health insurance while allowing thousands to get insurance from an incomplete hackjob of a website.  Or let's give up.

Keeping with the theme of stupid liberals talking about Obamacare, CNN's Donna Brazile has this wonderfully buffonish nugget on Twitter.

H/T to Twitchy

Yes, blame Republicans for the failure of the implementation of a law it has opposed since day one, has demanded be repealed for year and has attempted to repeal dozens of time.  Makes perfect sense to me!

And it's only Tuesday, folks!  Got your own buffoon?  Point them out and link your content in the comments.  And don't forget to join the chat room during the show on Wednesday Night at 9 PM so you can vote!

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