Candidate David Storobin is opening a campaign office, and is inviting everyone to come.
Tomorrow January 11, at 7 PM at 2658 Coney Island Ave. (ironically, I think that's the old Hi-Way Democratic Club office - oh the times they are a-changin'!), come out and meet David Storobin and enjoy some free refreshments.
Please RSVP with
Programming Note - we'll be pushing back the radio show until 9 PM to support David Storobin For Senate!
Captain America
ReplyDeleteWould come but I am so busy. If you need signatures or something else you have to let me know before. That way I can rearrange what I have to do my friends.
On to The News: Iran will never learn have to teach them the Hard Way. Feel sorry for there people but it is their choice. Sorry Bombs Away.
Hmm Jack Lew, is O repaying Hillary?
O and The Alice In Wonderland Show. It is a known fact they kept it secret because of the homeless. The Mrs and O should cater and feed all of the Homeless in the DC area..on the lawn. WOW Batman this would go over big with the Homeless to bad they won't do it, they don't VOTE.
Iran again: Mahmood goes to Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Cuba some of The U.S best friends. Yeah Right!!!!
Good thing the US has a lot of the Captain American teams there to oversee what is going on. These thugs are getting closer and closer to us, wake up America before it is too late.
Nice article in Times Tommy would like it 5 thirty eight blog...check it out on the WEB.
Bo the Presidents Dog talking to Oscar The Squirrel about what Obama has been doing lately.
You have to see what he has been doing lately Oscar, banging on the desk about The Republicans and screaming at everyone.
Oscar: He sort of thinks he is a South American ruler and with all of these lessons in German and maps all over the place, do you think he wants to take over the world?
Well he called me into the office about this guy from Brooklyn who is running for Senator for New York State David Storobin and he wanted to know why there was a special election and what the hell was Mario doing giving away the Empire. I could not explain anything to him about anything that was going on, so I just listened and besides he kept giving me biscuits.
Oscar to Bo. These Republicans I like when they are in office. Bo to Oscar: Me too at least with them maybe I will get some steak. Both Laughing
Captain America aka Bas aka The Riddler
Captain America
ReplyDeleteWow Batman Perry calling Turkey a bunches of Turkey's.
I think a lot of The Republicans should start to look at Mitt for what he really is a Real Democratic hiding in a Republican skin.
Hard to believe many of you all are that blind.
Oh well many people still look at John F. Kennedy and his brother as being Democrats which on paper they were.
In their hearts they were Republicans.
Martin Luther switched to Democratic that ONE year because he knew that JFK was a good man and would give the blacks Their Civil Rights
Wow Batman all three got Pow Pow.
God knows they never got it their Civil Rights, like they suppose to.
If you study History you can see The Democrats feed all the programs which hinder the little man and woman from growing.....
Again it is the People's FREE WILL...Wake up America The Civil War Never ended.
On to The O show: Ralph The Eagle sitting in his nest teaching little baby eagles about what it means to be a Republican, Democratic and an American.
One little baby named Elmo asks Daddy.
Are all Democrat office holders bad?
Ralph responds: Well son not all, some really try hard to do the right thing by the people but they are blinded by lies.
When they get older they will start to understand more and more.
Some will switch, others will just give up and become a part of the machine.
Elmo to the rest of the nest.
Daddy is so smart.
I have one more question Daddy how do we know who to bomb on?
Ralph responds: Well that's why it is very very important to keep abreast and to read every newspaper we can and to listen to as many TV and Radio Channels as possible.
You will see all the lairs, cheats, scams and con jobs they pull.
You will know in your heart who to drop the bombs on.
Elmo to rest of nest.
That is why we are one of the symbols of this great country.
Ralph listening to Elmo.
Thinking Elmo and the rest will make America proud like all of our pass relatives have.
Ralph has a tear as he flies away thinking!
Mean while God thinking: I DO
Captain America
ReplyDeleteWow what a show!
Batman was Batman A real true American.
The type of guy I would want in a fire fight.
Thank God we have guys like Batman.
They make America Great!!!!
Than THE VOICE: With his quick Humor.. Nothing gets by THE VOICE.
What I like about THE VOICE he calls a spade a spade and he is shape as a whip.
Than their is Vinny. Smiling all the time.
Another part of the show with his old time humor and everyone loves him and listens to his words of wisdom, which comes with his young age.
GREAT SHOW GUYS and Tommy was there with his words via the machine. Maybe young but Tommy is a GOLDMINE of knowledge and a big asset to The Young Republicans.
Enough of this bullshit: You all might think I am sucking up to these guys.
The real reason is: I like all of them very much and I see they are very committed to their cause.
Well it's time for The O show staring The O family, Bo the family dog, Oscar The Squirrel, Ralph the Eagle and a host of other characters who in reality are the back bone of America.
Bo talking to Oscar: What do you think about South Carolina and its primary?
Oscar responds: Newt had a wonderful debate, only if he knew what religion he was.
Maybe God would like him.
Bo responds: You right religion is a big part of this election Oscar. hmm a Roman Catholic is he now.. (Both laughing)
Oscar to Bo. Do you think all the humans are stupid to this.
Bo to Oscar: I hope not, in a few years Newt might be making comments as a guess writer in the Jewish papers and than.........
Oscar to Bo.. Oh my God what are you trying to say. Let's leave it at that Oscar and see.
This guy is very strange, but quick and smart with words, could you imagine him as our Commander In Chief (again both laughing)
Oscar to Bo: What about Paul (Both laughing again}Imagine nothing but crackers here (again both laughing)
Bo to Oscar: Than there is Mitt. WOW he hides being a Democratic very good. (Again both laughing)
Oscar to Bo. Are these Republicans all sleeping, will they wake up Bo.
Bo running up to O and peeing on him, it's a thing that dogs due to mark their Turf.
O petting Bo and wiping his pants.
The door opens O's daughter walks in trips on toy statues of Obama which are all over the floor.
Oscar by window thinking: Another day with the O family (laughing)
Ralph high in the sky thinking: Which Jackass should I bomb on today.. (laughing to self)
Captain America out for a smoke..