Friday, February 3, 2012

Congressman Allen West - LIVE! on Friday's Show From CPAC

Going into CPAC 2012, Russell and I came up with a "Dream" list of people we would want to interview while down in Washington D.C. We both agreed on Congressman Allen West of Florida.

Well next Firday at 12 PM, "Dream" becomes reality. We're proud to announce to our loyal listeners that we will be joined LIVE! by Congressman Allen West for what is without a doubt the biggest interview for Brooklyn GOP Radio - bar none.

We'll be announcing more guests throughout the weekend and next week as we get ready for CPAC!


  1. Captain America
    WOW Batman & il Voice, Allen West one of your hero's.

    You guys are the best and you make Brooklyn PROUD!!!

    I see Obama woke up in January, the cash is starting to flow in the country and his reelection campaign the money is pouring in.

    America is starting to look good in the news papers, radio and TV and the economy is starting to look good. YEAH RIGHT!

    Does the Democratic Party think we are all dopes with these stupid and childish con games and parlor tricks.

    Captain America is starting to ENJOY this game of politics and with MORONS like Room Eight and The White House I am thinking about running for some sort of High Office just to play with all of them and show them real mind games like they have never seen before.

    I don't leave anyone behind or run from anyone and I don't take prisoners, if you know what I mean. This is Captain America's Style.

    After watching Obama and all he has done, I know I can be President (LOL) Lets see 15 cabinet people have I as President.

    Well it just went to 10. (Cutting the Budget Already) Advisers having advisers; are they for real. Who needs advisers that need advisers that need advisers, no wonder nothing gets done.

    Let me stop my tattoos are rising above my skin on my leg.

    Sad note: Ben Gazzara, Dorothy Gilman and Charlie Spoonhour died to name just a few good Americans who went to heaven this pass week.

    continued with next

  2. Captain America

    Continue from Previous.

    Its, time for The Obama Family Show with Bo the Family Dog, Oscar the Squirrel and Ralph the Bald Eagle.

    Bo to Oscar: O put a lot of the toys, marbles, dolls, cartoons tapes, comic books, video games, etc away this week or I should have said the end of last month, after I told him about the election in Nov.

    Obama than asked me what election Bo.

    Bo to Oscar: I had to explain to O that he has to campaign again, raise money and travel the country and tell stories to the people like he did 4 years ago and he really has to mean what he tells them like he did before.

    Obama looked at me weird and told me Bo:

    One of his advisers granddaughters told him. It was his job being President FOREVER and besides Bo you know I don't like telling stories and lying especially in front of my wife and children.

    Obama to Bo: I hope I can do this again, this lying, conning and making up all sorts of nonsense.I hope God does not hold this against me Bo.

    Oscar laughing and shaking his tail and telling Bo: This President is the biggest MORON this Country has ever seen.

    Bo to Oscar: You had to see him last week: I had a memo pad and he was barking out orders and telling me to write everything he wanted done on this pad. Just to name a few.

    1) Kool Aid stands in every state near toll bridges, airports, railroad stations, prisons, hospitals, etc, If you give $5.00 towards his campaign you get $50.00 in Food Stamps.

    2) O wants all the Generals and Admirals to go around and collect $5.00 each from each military person, there, families and civilians that work for the military. O's wanted a comment on the memo to these Generals and Admirals. I am The Commander in Chief and this is a direct order.

    Obama wanted all the favors his cabinet, advisers and staff did in the last three years to start paying off. He wants the people's names, company's and countries and what he did for them.

    Oscar to Bo: This should rake in hundreds of millions Bo.

    Bo to Oscar: Obama also called a special meeting with The Labor Department and told Hilda if she wanted her job the numbers better start to look favorable.

    Bo to Oscar: The Republicans don't stand a chance unless there is a miracle from God.

    Ralph is away in Nevada on vacation.

    Mean while on Mt Sinai God and Moshe the Eagle having a fire side chat.

    Moshe to God:

    What do you think about what Obama and what he is doing.

    God to Moshe:

    He is one of my children Moshe and do remember he has an Angel on The Left which writes down everything he does bad and he has an Angel on The right which writes down everything he has done good, when it is my son Obama's time to come home he will be judged by this and either enter heaven or go to the other place I God call The Red Plains of illusion.

    Moshe to God: I guess every day we should really think about being good to one another, helping everyone you can and have compassion for all no matter what religion they are.

    God to Moshe: I am proud of you Moshe. I have written all of what you said in all of the books, some follow it, most sleep in their illusion. Moshe it is their FREE WILL.

    Captain America out for a smoke
