Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama Campaign Strategy: Free Phones!

I'm guessing President Obama has her vote...

1 comment:

  1. Howdy
    Got your email address from a friend of Bibi.
    A lot of people in Israel are thinking about putting Bibi in for some sort of award.

    The people of Israel are watching this election and are rooting for Mr. Romney.

    If your President Obama wins again. The feelings here are very negative. We had a meeting and have concluded we as a country have to help our American friends who over the years have always been our friends.

    We come to the conclusion sometimes you have to do what you have to do. A group pf 50 of us have make a choice to move to Detroit and begin the process of building up this City and maybe one day we will settle in other cities in America that have falling on hard times and just maybe we can help you just like you always helped us

    Thank You

